Wednesday, August 12, 2009
From a certain perspective, the health-care debate is beside the point anyway. Over at The Automatic Earth, Ilargi writes: I've written before about the US health care issue(s), and I'm hesitant to spend (too) much additional time and space on it. The reason is that just about right from the start is has been clear that the "dialogue", if you can even call it that, has been rigged and bought a long time ago.
It's a good read. Check it out.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Who can really "know" anything about this bill, especially given that it is still in committee, has not been marked up by a House/Senate conference committee, and its final version has yet to see the light of day?
As with all modern legislation, the devil (or angel) is in the details and in the execution of the details. My sense is that if and when health-care reform passes, many will be surprised at its final content.
Here's a link to the text of HR 3200: America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 (Introduced in House)
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