Thursday, June 16, 2011


Summer Meditation Challenge! (Days 15 and 16)

So, I'm getting ready to go to a potluck supper in a few minutes...

Sometimes sitting meditation is just like a potluck supper. You walk in the door, you never know what you're going to get. You sit down on the cushion, you never know what you're going to get!

I gotta say this, however; recently my sittings have become more regular. I won't say that I can predict what will be on the table, but this (new) approach to following my breath has resulted in sittings that are more focused and less likely to have thought-threads spinning out from the center. I've modified my visualization of the breath as I "follow" it. As noted earlier, I was visualizing this in my mind:

But Wednesday, I re-visualized it to a horizontal movement more like this:

I follow the movement while naming the "stations" where the air flows, as follows:

On inhale... Nostril > Heart > Navel > pause >
On exhale... Navel > Heart > Nostril > pause

This following has required me to be focused in order to stay with it. From time-to-time, I can follow without the labeling.

I wonder if I will regress to potluck meditation, or if not, will I miss it?


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