Monday, July 11, 2011
Summer Meditation Challenge! (Day 41)
Monday, July 11th, 2011

Pre-sitting intention, 10:19PM: I plan to sit for 30 minutes. First I will do metta, settle in with three breaths, then closely follow my breath while sitting absolutely still.
Post-sitting review, 10:51PM: Okay, I only sat for 18 minutes before sloth and torpor visited me, and I started to nod. Note to Self: Gotta do this when energy level is high, in the morning!
I call this sitting "Good Intentions Gone Wrong."

Sunday, July 10, 2011
Summer Meditation Challenge! (Days 39 and 40)
Sunday, July 10th, 2011

This is the way I use my cushion, except I turn my zafu (round cushion) on end. Here's what a zafu looks like:

Why all the focus on cushions and posture? Because I have discovered that the comfort and stability of my posture coupled with absolutely no movement results in a high state of concentration if I consistently follow my breath without wavering.
The 45 minutes in Sangha this morning was amazing. By remembering to stay absolutely still while following my breath, I had these long moments where everything fell away, and I was just sitting, breathing. Nothing else! No thoughts, short or long. Just breathing, following, and stability. I did notice a difference as I remained perfectly still.
I was so stoked by this that I tried to replicate it at home after returning from Sangha. I think Rebecca thought I was crazy for sitting again! I could not retain the same degree of stillness nor could I experience that same, stable, focused state. I wonder if that was perhaps due to the fact that I was hopeful of achieving that state again? Hmmm...
Saturday's sit was short and perfunctory. But today, wow! I'm hungry for more practice and for reading to practice mindfulness (in a systematic way) after improving at entering the focused states as I experienced today.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Summer Meditation Challenge! (Day 38)
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Summer Meditation Challenge! (Day 37)

Thursday, July 7, 2011
25 Minutes. Sitting. Concentrated. More-or-less.
When the timer went off, I stayed seated for perhaps ten more minutes. Don't know why, just did. It just felt right.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Summer Meditation Challenge! (Day 36)
Wednesday, July 6th, 2011
Click image to expand!
"This is good advice," I thought to myself. "Perhaps I can bring this mindset to the rigid views I hold about Buddhist practice!" And then--lo and behold--Thubten uses the exact same analogy in tonight's reading in Chapter 7, only he's talking about personas instead of opinions. (Come to think of it, an opinion is just a subset of a persona!)
At any rate, I opened up to the reading and I realized that most schools are fundamentally the same when it comes to the essence of Awakening: realize the true nature of reality. And most of the differences involve the myriad ways of going about that! Shazam!
So, resting easy, I participated without view-holding in tonight's discussion. It was good, better than usual. Moreover, during the short sit at the end, something happened. Usually I'm churning over the discussion and trying to sort out, synthesize any ideas requiring process. Tonight--for the most part--I returned to pure concentration practice and held it right there for the entire sit!
For my next map, I want to articulate via image just where this concentration practice fits in the larger scheme of "realization of the true nature of reality." I have some general sense already, but I need to flesh it out.

So, this map represents an insight that I had this afternoon as I prepared for our book group discussion of No Self No Problem. I've been so hung up on understanding, selecting, or favoring a particular approach to deepening my meditation practice that at some points I was frustrated with the generalities of the book. And then yesterday, I read this comment by "muchtooloose" on The Automatic Earth--a blog I visit regularly:
Enjoyed your reply. Now could I go off on a tangent and talk about ideas being like shirts? Okay you wear a plaid shirt and I hate plaid shirts! So I should hate you? Of courses not! Now what are ideas and opinions other than shirts that we wear? Just things we can put on or off as we please. Is that right?
If we can understand that each of us are not our opinions do you not think we just might have a better chance of reaching some sort of true understanding if we think of our ideas and opinions as something mutable rather than cast in stone? In other words I think "Skip Breakfast" has a point worth discussing.
"This is good advice," I thought to myself. "Perhaps I can bring this mindset to the rigid views I hold about Buddhist practice!" And then--lo and behold--Thubten uses the exact same analogy in tonight's reading in Chapter 7, only he's talking about personas instead of opinions. (Come to think of it, an opinion is just a subset of a persona!)
At any rate, I opened up to the reading and I realized that most schools are fundamentally the same when it comes to the essence of Awakening: realize the true nature of reality. And most of the differences involve the myriad ways of going about that! Shazam!
So, resting easy, I participated without view-holding in tonight's discussion. It was good, better than usual. Moreover, during the short sit at the end, something happened. Usually I'm churning over the discussion and trying to sort out, synthesize any ideas requiring process. Tonight--for the most part--I returned to pure concentration practice and held it right there for the entire sit!
For my next map, I want to articulate via image just where this concentration practice fits in the larger scheme of "realization of the true nature of reality." I have some general sense already, but I need to flesh it out.
Summer Meditation Challenge! (Day 35)
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I noticed that in my daily activities today, I had a difficult time staying focused on anything beyond more than 5 minutes or so. Is this an example of Hyperlink Hyperactivity Disorder? Here's a New York Times article that introduces the issue of shortened attention spans due to excessive Internet time. It's called The Medium Is the Medium.
The NYT article references The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, by Nicholas Carr.
I think I should check this out. My sitting tonight was a virtual solar corona of thoughts firing, subsiding, and firing again. So much to the point that I couldn't finish out my designated 30 minute sit!

I noticed that in my daily activities today, I had a difficult time staying focused on anything beyond more than 5 minutes or so. Is this an example of Hyperlink Hyperactivity Disorder? Here's a New York Times article that introduces the issue of shortened attention spans due to excessive Internet time. It's called The Medium Is the Medium.
The NYT article references The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, by Nicholas Carr.
I think I should check this out. My sitting tonight was a virtual solar corona of thoughts firing, subsiding, and firing again. So much to the point that I couldn't finish out my designated 30 minute sit!
Summer Meditation Challenge! (Day 34)
Monday, July 4th, 2011
Another bust. No excuse, really. Just a bust. We did go downtown to view the fireworks!
Another bust. No excuse, really. Just a bust. We did go downtown to view the fireworks!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Summer Meditation Challenge! (Day 33)
Sunday, July 3, 2011 (Sitting quietly, doing nothing!)
Great meditation with Sangha friends Kristin and Angelika, followed by a potluck breakfast. Sitting quietly doing nothing, so to speak. 45 minutes (more-or-less!) of concentration, following the breath. Our conversation afterwards was great. Norman Fischer talks about communal meditation practice as an essential facotr in ever-creasing maturity. I believe it. And I thank all of my Sangha friends for prodding me towards maturity!
Summer Meditation Challenge! (Day 32)
Saturday, July 3, 2011
Another work day bust... Errands at the Farmers' Market and then painting, painting, painting!

Another work day bust... Errands at the Farmers' Market and then painting, painting, painting!

Summer Meditation Challenge! (Day 31)
Friday, July 1st, 2011
As for meditation, it was a hellboy of a bust...
Working at Folk's Cafe and painting this apartment.
Summer Meditation Challenge! (Day 30)
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